
Top 7 Online Research Jobs From Home 2021 Get Paid To Browse

Online research jobs from home 2021 web market researching work. This is an overview tutorial, skills, tools, and methods.

Have you ever thought about making extra cash by putting your online research skills to work?  If you’re loving at digging around for information online then you can become an online researcher.

In today’s article, we going to talk about online research jobs by the end of this video, you will know how does it work? How much do they pay you? And important of all is it really worth your time or not we about to find out so sit back relax and drink some coffee.

What is an online research job?

If you’ve always enjoyed learning everything you could – whether by reading an entire Wikipedia or reading a bunch of nonfiction articles on any subject that interests you.

You can make your endless curiosity work for you by turning it into a job! Countless industries and jobs depend on research, much of which can be done online: put your skills to work as an industry researcher, expert, or consultant.

How does it work?

You will gather information for a company or individual by looking through websites and online databases.

There are many different places you can search for information such as Google, blogs, newsletters, and other websites.

Many companies have their own online researchers while others seek out everyday people to gather the information for them.

How much money can you make?

Pay rates for online researchers depend on their experience and the areas in which you are skilled. However, if you are starting out, you can expect to earn around $10 per hour or less.

Once you have gained some experience, received some positive feedback, and proven yourself, you can increase your rates up to $20 an hour or more for general online research projects. Research assistants can make up to $2000 monthly.

If you have research skills in a legal or technical field, you can earn as high as $50-$80 per hour.

The payment varies depending on the companies and clients you work with, your expertise, and the demand for your research areas.

How do you receive payment?

There are several payment options when it comes to receiving payments from clients. If you are working via online job boards or sites, then PayPal is the most popular option.

Other alternatives are bank deposit, Payoneer MasterCard prepaid debit card, and Skrill. If you work for private clients, PayPal is an easy option to invoice your clients.

How many types of research jobs are out there?

There are different types of research but so far, I found the top 7 that works really well

#1 Research Assistant Jobs

A research assistant is more of a generalist role as an assistant within a research team, which is great for those looking to enter the industry or gain a range of different work experience. These roles are often offered as contract or remote research jobs.

Research assistant jobs can include work like researching for federal presentations, researching information related to artworks, researching to monitor disinformation in regional elections in Venezuela (seriously! I’m not kidding), research within a university studying human stem cells.

#2 Clinical Research Jobs

This job role translates medical discoveries into effective working treatments as clinical researchers study the effects of new medicines or treatments.

They conduct safety tests, take notes on any adverse side-effects, and analyze the success rate of a particular treatment process.

Most clinical research jobs are performed by freelance researchers who also undertake on-site investigation since they require studying drugs and analyzing the effectiveness of a certain treatment.

Clinical research jobs involve working with patients, collecting data, online researching, etc.

#3 Market Research Jobs

A market research job includes conducting online surveys on customers’ and consumers’ preferences and choices regarding product and service designs, prices, and promotions.

After collecting all this data, they present the statistics to help industries and markets understand how to better approach their customers (a.k.a. their market).

A brilliant way to earn money online requires working with software to analyze the trends, prepare questionnaires, and conduct surveys.

Some examples of topics that market researchers would be involved in include a select group of customers’ choice of beverage in hot weather, cell phone preferences between genders and age groups, and how living standards affect the purchasing power of consumers.

#4 Research Scientist Jobs

Research scientist jobs have the main aim of gaining knowledge from controlled laboratory-based investigations, experiments, and trials.

Hang on a minute… does that mean I need to convert my basement into a lab?

Haha, no!

Aside from the physical experimenting side of things, research scientists are also involved in designing the project and experiments, and analyzing the information gained. I’m sure this now makes a lot more sense as a work-from-home job.

This one is often sought after by those in the field of science who want to cut out the commute and find work-life balance as it requires working on projects like medical research, geoscience, pharmacology, meteorology, math, life sciences, and many more.

#5 Internet Research Jobs

Internet researching can be undertaken on just about anything from market and financial trends, to medical development, scientific exploration, public policy examination,

or any other topic that requires investigating data from numerous published sources like internet searches, journals, and newspapers.

#6 Social Science Research Jobs

A social researcher will use a variety of methods to gather their information including questionnaires, focus groups, and interviews.

Social science research jobs focus on social matters such as ethical issues, cyberbullying, and more.

#7 Policy Research Jobs

Policy researchers work to inspire political and social events by analyzing current policies, assessing the effects of projected legislation, and presenting a detailed report on findings.

This field of research is well suited to people who are passionate about researching and learning about local, state, or federal policies, the relationship between policy and society’s wants and needs, and the impacts of policy change.

Where to find jobs as online researchers?

Here are some of the companies hiring for this position:

Just Answer

Sign up for this website to offer expert answers! Any time a client has a question for your specialty – and you’ve marked yourself as available – you can speak with the client to provide answers. You’ll split the fee with Just Answer.


They work with independent tutors to help students with their homework assignments – while working with them, you can browse questions in over 30 subjects and offer to help.

The company acts somewhat as a facilitator since you get to set your own rates. You also set your schedule; payment is made when you’ve finished helping a given student.


They allow you to put your expertise to work answering questions for clients through one-on-one phone calls. They mainly deal with freelancers, executives, and entrepreneurs.

They pay every two weeks, and you’re able to set your fees and availability through their platform. They take a cut of 15% for facilitating.


They are hiring Subject Matter Experts in specific industries, technologies, or functions – to qualify for this position, you should have extensive practical experience with your particular subject.

You’ll join their database of prospective experts and have the opportunity to get assigned to live research projects with their clients. You may also have the option to complete these projects over the phone or in person.

Ask Wonder

This is one of the most popular companies to answer questions for – you’ll see them mentioned quite often. They invite their clients to submit questions, and then their researchers spend a little time finding at least five quality sources that answer that question.

You must pass a quiz and complete a sample assignment to work with them.

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