
Happily Ever After Begins Here: A Wedding to Remember | Yamone Scarlett

Get ready for an incredible episode of the CEO’s podcast featuring yours truly and my awesome wife @YamoneScarlett. We recently tied the knot and are excited to spill the beans about our wedding day.

Ever wondered what makes a great partner? Or how to make a relationship stand the test of time? We’ll delve into all that and more, including tips on setting healthy boundaries without feeling resentful.


  • In this podcast episode, we explore the wedding journey and relationship advice of Me and my wife Yamone Scarlett.
  • Scarlett had a unique and intimate wedding ceremony on August 8th, emphasizing its spiritual significance.

Wedding Ceremony:

  • Can you tell us more about your wedding ceremony on August 8th? What was the inspiration behind its unique and intimate setting?
  • How did you incorporate spirituality into your wedding ceremony?


Thank you for having me on the podcast. I’m excited to share my experiences with all our listeners!

Our wedding ceremony was definitely a unique and intimate experience. My husband and I wanted to do something different that reflected our personalities and values. We chose August 8th as it holds special significance in many spiritual traditions, symbolizing infinity, balance, and abundance.

As for the ceremony itself, we wanted it to be a reflection of our spiritual beliefs. We incorporated rituals and prayers from different traditions that hold meaning for us. It was important for us to have a ceremony that not only celebrated our love but also honored our spiritual journey together.

Relationship Advice:

  • How has your relationship with your partner evolved since getting married?
  • What advice would you give to couples who are planning their wedding and preparing for marriage?


Our relationship has definitely evolved since getting married. We have become more patient, understanding, and supportive of each other. Marriage is a journey that requires constant effort and communication, but it’s also incredibly rewarding.

For couples who are planning their wedding and preparing for marriage, my advice would be to stay true to yourselves. It’s easy to get caught up in the expectations and traditions of a wedding, but remember that it is ultimately about you and your partner. Don’t be afraid to break away from the norm and make your special day unique and meaningful to you both. And always prioritize communication and compromise in your relationship – these are key ingredients for a successful marriage.

So, always make time for each other and never stop growing together as individuals and as a couple.

Key Wedding Details:

  • Date: August 8th, chosen because of its spiritual and energetic significance.
  • Location: A traditional monastery setting.
  • The wedding was on a Tuesday, deviating from the typical weekend weddings.
  • Scarlett’s wedding gown was stunning white, aligning with her personal preference.
  • The groom wore a traditional suit with a twist of cultural elements.


Yes, we wanted to incorporate our cultures into the wedding as well. My husband is Vietnamese American and I am from Myanmar, so it was important for us to find ways to honor both of our backgrounds. My husband’s outfit had subtle details representing Myanmar heritage, while my wedding gown was a modern take on traditional Burmese styles.

We also chose to have our wedding on a Tuesday as it aligned with the monastery’s schedule and allowed us to have a more intimate celebration. It may not be the conventional choice, but it was perfect for us.

Special Moments:

  • Friends and family played a significant role in making the wedding memorable.
  • An Airbnb by the beach served as the reception venue, creating a meaningful and beautiful atmosphere.
  • Guests had a chance to bond and enjoy a unique experience together.
  • The beach visit after the reception allowed for memorable photoshoots.

Relationship Insights:

  • Scarlett and her partner have faced various challenges together, including dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and financial struggles.
  • They emphasize the importance of shared basic values, effective communication and compromise in their relationship.
  • Scarlett talks about her journey from being a people pleaser to establishing healthy boundaries with both her family and her partner’s family.

Career and Personal Growth:

  • Scarlett prioritizes her career and personal growth but looks forward to having children.
  • She values the learning experiences gained from extensive international travel with her partner.
  • Scarlett delves into her health journey, sharing how she dealt with fibroids and found alternative remedies like castor oil packs.

Money Mindset:

  • Both Scarlett and her partner acknowledge the need to work on their money mindset.
  • They discuss the importance of addressing limiting beliefs around money to maintain a healthy relationship.

Closing Remarks:

  • Scarlett expresses her excitement for the future, both in her relationship and personal growth.
  • She extends gratitude to her friends and family for making her wedding and podcast episode special.

In conclusion, Scarlett and her partner’s (me) unique and intimate wedding ceremony on August 8th reflected their personalities, values, and spiritual beliefs. Their relationship has evolved since getting married, with constant effort and communication being key to its success. They offer valuable advice for couples planning their wedding and preparing for marriage staying true to oneself and prioritizing communication and compromise. The key wedding details, special moments, and relationship insights shared by Scarlett give us a glimpse into her journey leading up to this day. She also discusses the importance of career and personal growth, as well as addressing limiting beliefs around money in maintaining a healthy relationship.

Overall, Scarlett’s wedding journey and relationship advice provide inspiration for others planning their own special day and navigating through their own relationships. We thank Scarlett for sharing her experiences with us and wish her all the best in her future endeavors.

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