
How was I able to earn $174K on Airbnb (2023)

Guess what? I have the incredible opportunity to have my mentor on my podcast! This guy is a total pro for optimizing Airbnbs and setting up foolproof systems that make you money while keeping things running smoothly.

Trust me, I’ve made a whopping $174K on my Airbnb properties since January 2023, thanks to his help. 

But here’s the thing… so many hosts give up on Airbnb because they make these three common mistakes. Lucky for you, I’m about to spill the beans on all of them, so you can start raking in the cash like I do!

-Driving bookings for more visibility
-Nailing down the perfect pricing balance
-Implementing systems and automation

Hold on tight, because we’re about to dive into each area and unlock the secrets to earning some serious cash on Airbnb.

First, let’s talk about improving your search ranking on Airbnb. Here are a few tricks of the trade:

-Flip that switch and turn on Instant Book. Trust me, it’s a game-changer.

-Keep your calendar updated like clockwork. If Instant Book isn’t your thing, at least let potential guests know you’re on top of your availability and rates.

-And most importantly, be responsive to those guest messages. Your response time and rate can make or break your search ranking, so get back to those inquiries ASAP.

Now, let’s tackle pricing. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between making money and keeping your guests happy. Here’s a little exercise to help you out:

Scope out your competition within a 10-20 mile radius. Look at their highest and lowest prices.

-Find your sweet spot: Now, you’ll play around with your price range. If the highest price you found is $200 and the lowest is $75, you can set your price anywhere from $80 to $190, depending on the day, holidays, and weekends. Flexibility is the name of the game.

Last but not least, let’s talk systems and automation. Time is precious, so why not streamline your processes? Check out these pro tips:

-Set up automatic messages: No need to waste hours replying to the same guest inquiries, check-ins, and check-outs. Use a platform like Hostaway to handle all those messages for you.

-Get organized with photos: Have you ever been worried about whether your cleaner did a good job? Well, worry no more! Take pictures of everything in your place and put them in a folder. Ask your cleaner to do the same after they’ve finished. If anything’s not quite right, you’ll have photo evidence to show them. Trust me, it works like a charm!

I could talk your ear off about systems and automation all day, but why listen to me yammering when you can watch a video instead? Tomorrow on my YouTube channel, I’ll be sharing an interview with my mentor, where he spills even more of his genius secrets. Trust me, you won’t want to miss it! So stay tuned.

This Week’s Action Step

Start to scout pricing around your area.

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