
Make Profit From DFK Duels & Egg Hatching 2022 | Defi Kingdoms Update

The mini-game you’ve been waiting for is finally here! The DFK Duel & Egg Hatching already launched and gives you the opportunity to make some more profit with your hero by battling with other players. At the same time, you can sell or trade your pet for extra cash.

To duel your Heroes, first, you must pay a visit to the Duel Master in the Tavern in Serendale. He will guide you through your dueling.

The first step before you will begin your duel is to select the size of the duel you want to participate in. Solo is 1v1, Squad is 3v3, and War is 9v9. Heroes can only be committed to one duel at a time and players may only queue one team of Heroes for each duel size.

A player can queue for all three duel sizes at once. Players can see if other players are waiting to duel by looking at the Open Entries for each duel size. When selecting a Hero, players can expect the normal Hero interface with the full Hero filter.

Heroes already dueling will be unavailable.

The selected Hero will fill the slot on the “Your Deck” menu, and clicking it will clear the Hero so the player can choose again.

An Entry Fee of Gold and JEWEL is paid by both players.

The winner of the Duel can expect to reclaim the Gold they put in along with a pile of raffle tickets. The loser does not get their Gold back but always gets at least one ticket. If players choose to pay the higher JEWEL fees, they can earn more tickets whether they win or lose.

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