
My First Time Summoning Hero In Defi Kingdoms 2022 – Insane Result

In this video, I’m going to show you how to summon a heroes in defi kingdoms guide. I will let you know summoning cost, chance, strategy, chart, rarity and more.

To summon, two heroes must visit the Arch Druid and infuse a Summoning Crystal with their combined essence. Infused Crystals are then used at the Portal to seek Heroes from far away lands that are in tune with the heroes that infused the crystal.

Infused CrystalTo infuse a crystal, heroes pour their energy into Gaia’s Tears and JEWELs, which are then fed into a Summoning Crystal. Stronger heroes may use additional Gaia’s Tears to cause the portal to seek stronger Heroes more like the summoner.

If you intend to create heroes, the number of summons your hero has and its generation are major factors.  The more summons your hero has available the more heroes you can create.  This goes hand in hand with generation.  The higher the generation, the greater the cost to summon new heroes.  Gen 0 heroes have an infinite number of summons and a maximum summoning cost of 30 $Jewel.  This is what makes them so valuable.  A Gen 0 owner can rent out their hero indefinitely without the number of summons decreasing.  Their offspring will also have the maximum possible summons for any pairing.  Two Gen 0 parents will produce offspring with 10 summons.

What you should look for

  • High number of summons
  • Low Generation


The rarer the hero the greater the value.  If you have a choice between two heroes with the same class, stats and profession, the rarer hero is more valuable.

Summoning with Heroes that have the appropriate genes can result in genetic mutation that results in a higher-ranked Hero being Summoned from the Portal. The chart above displays the genetic combinations needed to Summon each possible Hero class. Heroes of higher rank have better starting stats and stat growth parameters than those of ranks below them.

However, a side effect of their advanced abilities is that they require more Gaia’s Tears to perform a Summon than Heroes of lower ranks. In addition, higher-ranked Heroes are more difficult for the Portal to have a chance to locate, so higher-ranked Heroes have lower maximum summons than lower-ranked ones. The chart above displays the Gaia’s Tears requirements for higher-ranked and the maximum number of Summons that higher-ranked classes can receive on Summoning.

Basic – Warrior, Knight, Thief, Archer, Priest, Wizard, Monk, Pirate

Advanced – Paladin, Dark Knight, Summoner, Ninja

Elite – Dragoon, Sage

Exalted – DreadKnight

In my case I have Priest Common (Forager) and Wizard Uncommon (Mining):

Cost summon 32 jewels and here’s my result:

This summon can sell between 155 – 220 jewels equivalent to $700 – $1000.

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