
Try Working Out In One Of Nature’s Best “Gyms”- Mission Peak, California

If you’re looking to lose weight, stop thinking you have to go to a gym to get the job done. If you look at advertisements, they push hard for consumers to visit their establishments. Armed with the latest workout equipment and newest trends, they believe that flashy solutions are the ones you need. How truthful is this?


The reality is that you can work out anywhere. One growing trend is to go to the most natural place on earth to work out: the outdoors. If you’re looking for an amazing outdoor venue to burn some fat, why not visit Mission Peak in California? It’s a year-round “gym” that offers beautiful landscapes, fresh air and an expanse of trails to keep you burning fat for hours.

Mission Peak in California is one of the world’s most beautiful “gyms.” This outdoor gym is a public park just east of Fremont, California. It includes the north-most summit that includes Monument Peak and Mount Allison. Exploring the park can be the first step you take in creating a true exercise plan. Working out in nature can also be just the encouragement you need to keep motivated.

Mission Peak is a great place for hiking and cycling. All you need to do is look at the beautiful views and sweeping greenery to see how fantastic a place this is to work out. Who need four walls and a shared shower when you can work out in front of a sunset?


In addition to the beauty, if you are looking to burn fat, this is the perfect place. One attraction is a full 10 kilometer round-trip trail that is frequented by walkers, runners and bicyclists daily. Its dog-friendly and enough of an exertion to check off exercise from your daily to-do list. The best thing is that while you’re exercising, you’ll be breathing in fresh air and enjoying nature.


There are also three trails to climb on both the northern and western portions. There is an elevation change that should help anyone wanting to improve their exercise regimen. Mission Peak offers a place that serves for a workout venue and beauty year-round. Because it’s in California, you can expect that the weather will be the perfect backdrop for any outdoor workout.


There also is an iconic “Mission Peeker” pole in the summit. It was designed by park ranger Leonard page and his team back in 1990. This is a great goal if you’re working out. Focus on the Mission Peeker and until you reach it, keep running!


Although you could go to a stark and cold gym, you also could exercise outdoors. Think of how the venue change can motivate you to keep burning fat and losing weight. Combine Mission Peak visits with healthy eating and you won’t be led astray.